






先后担任国家自然科学基金委面上/青年基金评审专家、全国博士后创新创业大赛、山东省博新计划评审专家、山东省博士后创新竞赛评审专家、湖南省"百人计划"评审专家、中国《分析化学》第十一届编委、美国自然科学基金“科技创新团队”和“研究生奖学金”(2009-2017)上会评委和美国国立卫生研究院神经系统生物物理和生物化学和大分子生物物理等四个会评(Study Session)评委、美国健康研究院的“Study Session”评委及J. Am. Chem. Soc.Analytical Chemistry等多个国际top期刊的审稿专家。荣获Dreyfus基金会“教师学者”奖(2002)、加州州立大学洛杉矶分校“杰出教授”奖(2011)、加州州立大学全系统的“教师研究奖”(2012)、美国“科学研究”基金会“卡特尔学院”奖(1998)、橡树岭国家实验室“技术成就奖”(1996)等。

主持国家杰青项目、国家973计划项目、山东省“一事一议”顶尖科学家专项项目、多项美国健康研究院(NIH)及多项美国科学基金(NSF)等重大项目,在美国主持了NIHNSF、私人基金会资助的25项总金额逾1800万美元的科研项目,2004-2016年间在中南大学作为兼职教授和顶尖人才带领团队成员获得的基金20余项逾2000余万元,团队成员获得省部级科研奖励17项,2017-2022年间全职加盟济南大学,带领团队成员获得的基金20余项逾2000余万元,团队成员获得省部级科研奖励17项。相关成果在ScienceJACSBiochemAnal ChemACS Chem Neurosci等发表论文200余篇,出版专著6部,美国专利2项,SCI他引近8500余次,H因子52









1989.09-1993.09:美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁主校,分析化学专业 博士  

1987.07-1989.07:美国东北大学, 分析化学硕士  

1980.09-1984.07:武汉大学,物理化学专业 学士  


2023.06至今     天津工业大学生命科学学院

 2017.12-2023.05:济南大学  表面分析与化学生物学研究院  教授、博导、山东省领军人才

 2004.04-2016.11:中南大学  化学化工学院  教授、博导、顶尖人才,国家高层次特聘专家(第五批)

 2001.03-2004.03:中国科学院研究生院(现中国科学院大学)化学系  教授(兼职),百人计划入选者

2004.09-2017.12:美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校  化学与生物化学系  教授

2000.09-2004.08:美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校  化学与生物化学系  副教授

 1997.09-2000.09:美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校  化学与生物化学系  助理教授

1995-1997:美国威斯康辛大学奥克莱尔分校  助理教授

1993.09-1995.06:美国橡树岭国家实验室  有机质谱研究组  博士后






  1. 2012年  美国加州州立大学全系统的“教师研究奖”

  2. 2011年  美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校“杰出教授”奖

  3. 2002年  美国Dreyfus 基金会 “教师学者”奖

  4. 1998年  美国“科学研究”基金会“卡特尔学院”奖

  5. 1996年  美国橡树岭国家实验室“技术成就奖”


  1. 天津市顶尖科学家工作室项目“基于省部共建分离膜与膜过程国家重点实验室的顶尖科学家工作室项目(24JRRCRC00040)”,2024.01-2027.01150万元,在研。

  2. 山东省“一事一议”顶尖人才引进计划,山东省人民政府,鲁政办字201925),2019.01-2022.122120万元,结题。

  3. 国家973计划项目,基于影像实时动态多元分子分型的乳腺癌精准诊疗关键技术研究(子课题),2014.01-2018.12600万,结题。

  4. 国家自然科学基金委员会杰青项目, 2003.1-2016.1280万,结题。

  5. 中国科学院“百人计划”, 2004.01-2006.12200万,结题。

  6. 教育部重点培育计划, 2008.1-2010.1250万,结题。


    1. "Kinetic Studies of Species Electrogenerated from Fullerenes and Fullerene Derivatives," American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Funds: $20,000 funded for 7/1997-8/2000.

    2. "Studies of Electron Transfer Reactions of Redox Active Proteins by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy," Research Corporation: $23,990 funded for 9/1997-9/1999.

    3.  “Acquisition of an ICP-MS for the College of Natural Sciences, CSULB”, National Science Foundation-Major Research Infrastructure, Co-PI, $138,886, 11/1999-10/2000.

    4. "Immobilized DNA Films: Heterogeneous Electron-Transfer and Molecular Recognition," National Institutes of Health-NIGMS-MBRS: $137,640. Funded for 6/1998-6/2000.

    5. "Fine-Scale Analysis of Airborne Pollutants and Population Exposure in the Los Angeles Basin," National Science Foundation-Center for Excellence in Science and Technology Sub-project, Co-PI for a total of $900,692 in Component III. Funded for 9/1998-8/2003.  The amount for our group is $225,173.

    6.  “Quantification of Metal Transfer from Metallothionine to Apo-metalloproteins Using Voltammetry Combined On-line with HPLC/ICP-MS”, National Science Foundation-Collaborative Research at Undergraduate Institutions, $381,175. 9/1999-8/2003.

    7.  “Development of a Label-Free DNA Chip Reader,” California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB), $26,880 funded for 2001-2002.

    8.  “Characterization and Quantification of Immobilized DNA Molecules”, National Institutes of Health-SCORE; $543,189. Funded for 7/2000-6/2004.

    9.  “DNA Sensing and Protein Electron/Metal Transfer Reactions at the Metal/Solution Interface”, Dreyfus Foundation, $60,000, 2001-2006.

    10.   “Redox-Induced Metal Transfer Reaction of Metalloproteins,” National Institutes of Health-Academic Research Enhancement Award, $100,000, 2001-2006.

    11.   “Instrumentation for Research and the Undergraduate Curriculum,” $140,590. 2002-2004. Department of Defense.

    12.  “Multilayered Polyelectrolyte Shells and Spheres as Nanoreactors for the Fabrication of Hollow Structures and Array Surfaces,” $80,000. 2002-2006. American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Funds Type AC Grant.

    13.  “MRI: Acquisition of a Proteome Analyzer,” National Science Foundation-Major Research Infrastructure, Co-PI, $443,694, 7/1/2004-6/30/2005.

    14.  “Voltammetric, Surface, and Kinetic Studies of p53 and Amyloidogenic Proteins,” $822,850, National Institutes of Health-SCORE, 2004-2008. Subproject.

    15.  “Faculty Career Development, Core Facility, and Biomedical Research Capacity Building,” National Institutes of Health-RIMI, $3,394,011, 2005-2010, Director and Co-PI of the Program.

    16.  “Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Combined with Surface Plasmon Resonance for Studies of Localized Surface Reactions and Fabrication of Multiplexing Sensors,” National Science Foundation-RUI (0555224), $240,000, 2006-2010.  

    17.  “Compact Membrane Reactors for High Purity Hydrogen,” National Science Foundation SBIR/CREST, $76,124 for 5/2009-12/2010.

    18.  “Enhancing Conversion Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Synthesis of Highly Ordered Titania Structures and Judicious Selection of Redox Couples,” American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Funds: $65,000, 9/2009-8/2012.

    19. Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology: Center for Energy and Sustainability at California State University, Los Angeles (Phase I), National Science Foundation-HRD-0932421). PI and Director with a total budget of $5,000,000, 9/2009-3/2016. PI and director and subproject II leader on “Development of Efficient Quantum Dot-Sensitized Photovoltaic Solar Cells.”

    20.   “Label-free and simultaneous detection of multiple bacterial pathogens and virulence factors by imaging surface plasmon resonance,” NIH-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Co-PI, $68,966, 7/2009-6/2011.

    21. (21) “Alpha-Synuclein-Metal Complexes and Oxidative Stress in Parkinson’s Disease,” NIH-National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke, $1,000,000, SC1NS070155-01, 10/2009-9/2013.

    22.  “Hyphenated Surface Plasmon Resonance Techniques for Enhanced Biomolecular Interaction Studies and Biomarker Detections,” National Science Foundation (1112105), $270,000, 2011-2014.  

    23.  “Macromolecular Interactions of t-Darpp and Darpp-32,” NIH-NIGMS 1-R01 GM105898-01, Subcontract from City of Hope, Co-PI, $565,500, 9/2014-8/2018.

    24.   “California State University, Los Angeles and Pennsylvania State University Partnership for Materials Research and Education,” National Science Foundation-DMR-1523588, $3,300,000, 9/2015-8/2020. Subproject leader for about $400,000.

    25. Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology: Center for Energy and Sustainability at California State University, Los Angeles (Phase II), National Science Foundation-HRD-1547723. PI and Director with a total budget of $5,000,000, 4/2016-3/2021. PI and director.


  1. Kang Q.* (康青), Ning S., Jiang D., Wang Y., Zhou F.* (周飞艨), Photosynthesis: From Plants to Nanomaterials; Academic Press: Moscow, Russian, 2023; Chapter 16 Editor: Harvey J.M. Hou and Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev

  2. Jianxiu Wang, Yunfei Long, and Feimeng Zhou, “Quantum-Dot Nanocomposites,” in “Nanomaterials for Life Sciences” Vol. 8, Wiley-VCH, 2010.

  3. Jianxiu Wang, Andrew J. Wain, Xu Zhu, and Feimeng Zhou, “Improved Electrochemistry of Biomolecules Using Nanomaterials,” Chapter 4 in Biosensing Using Nanomaterials, Arben Merkoci ed., J. Wiley, 2009.

  4. J. Xiang, M. Xu, Y. Liu, J. Wang, H. Haick, F. Zhou, “Surface-Immobilized DNA Monolayers and Thin Films: Constructions, Characterizations, and Select Applications,” 2009, Pages 181-224, a chapter invited for the book “Soft Nanomaterials”, American Scientific Publisher.

  5. M. Yang, J. Wang, F. Zhou, “Biomarker Detections Using Functional Noble Metal Nanoparticles,” in Functional Nanoparticles for Bioanalysis, Nanomedicine, and Bioelectronic Devices, M. Hapel and C. J. Zhong eds., American Chemical Society, 2012.


  1.  Disaggregation of amyloid beta peptides by ginnalin A, a glucitol-core containing gallotannin from red maple (Acer rubrum): biophysical, bioanalytical, and cytotoxicity studies,美国化学会年会,主办方:美国化学会,2017

  2. Microarray imaging with scanning electrochemical microscopy and combination of scanning electrochemical microscopy with surface plasmon resonance,美国化学会年会,主办方:美国化学会,2016

  3. Tuning the energetics of components and kinetics of key steps in dye-sensitized solar cells,美国化学会年会,主办方:美国化学会,2016

  4. Sensitive detection of biomarkers and studies of neurological disorders using bioanalytical methods,美国加州生物技术协会年会,主办方:美国加州生物技术协会,2012

  5. Electrochemical Aspect of Electrospray Ionization,美国质谱协会年会,主办方:美国质谱协会,1995


  1. Dong T., Han C., Wang Z, Wang Y, Liu X, Wang P*, Zhou F*. Living cells versus fixated cells: kinetic measurements of biomolecular interactions using the LigandTracer method and surface plasmon resonance microscopy. Mol. Pharmaceuticals, 2023, 20, 4, 2094–2104.

  2. Xu X., Chao W., Wang P*, Zhou F*. Natural products targeting cellular processes common in Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Front. Neurol., 2023, 14.

  3. Han C, Dong T, Wang P*, Zhou F.*. Microfluidically partitioned dual channels for accurate background subtraction in cellular binding studies by surface plasmon resonance microscopy, Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 49, 17303–17311.

  4. Dong T., Han C., Jiang M., Zhang T., Kang Q., Wang P.*, Zhou F.*. A four-channel surface plasmon resonance sensor functionalized on-line for simultaneous detections of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody, free viral particles, and neutralized viral particles, ACS Sens. 2022, 7, 11, 3560–3570.

  5. Jiang M., Dong T., Han C., Liu L., Zhang T., Kang Q., Wang P.*, Zhou F.*, Regenerable and high-throughput surface plasmon resonance assay for rapid screening of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody in serum samples. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2022, 1208, 339830.

  6. Liu W., Kang Q.*, Wang P., Zhou F., Ratiometric fluorescence immunoassay based on MnO2--phenylenediamine-fluorescent carbon nanodots for detection of -fetoprotein via fluorescence resonance energy transfer, New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 1120–1126

  7. Guo W., Wang J. *, Guo W., Kang Q.*, Zhou F., Interference-free photoelectrochemical immunoassays using carboxymethylated dextran-coated and gold-modified TiO2 nanotube arrays, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2021, 413, 4847–4854

  8. 赵欣,王瑞敏,康青*,汪鹏程,周飞艨,不同模式表面等离子体共振与其他分析检测技术联用,分析科学学报 2021, 37, 434–442

  9. Liu L., Han C., Jiang M., Zhang T., Kang Q., Wang X., Wang P.*, Zhou F.* Rapid and regenerable surface plasmon resonance determinations of biomarker concentration and biomolecular interaction based on tris-nitrilotriacetic acid chips. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2021, 1170, 338625.

  10. Tu Q., Liu W., Jiang M., Wang W., Kang Q.*, Wang P., Zhou W., Zhou F.* Preferential adsorption of hydroxide ions onto partially crystalline NiFe-layered double hydroxides leads to efficient and selective OER in alkaline seawater. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2021, 4, 4630–4637.

  11. Zhang Z., Peng L., Fu Y.*, Wang W., Wang P., Zhou F.* Ginnalin A binds to the subpockets of Keap1 Kelch domain to activate the Nrf2-regulated antioxidant defense system in SH-SY5Y cells. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2021,12, 872–882.

  12. Liu Q., Zhao H., Jiang M, Kang Q.*, Zhou W.*, Wang P., Zhou F. Boron enhances oxygen evolution reaction activity over Ni foam-supported iron boride nanowires. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 13638–13645.

  13. Zhao H., Jiang M., Kang Q.*, Liu L., Zhang N., Wang P., Zhou F. Electrocatalytic oxygen and hydrogen evolutions at Ni3B/Fe2O3 nanotube arrays under visible light radiation. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2020, 10, 8305–8313.

  14. Liu W., Wang X., Tai C., Yan W., Yu R., Li Y., Zhao H., Zhou F.* Four-channel photothermal plate reader for high-throughput nanoparticle-amplified immunoassay. Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 15705–15710.

  15. Yan W., Jiang D., Guo W.*, Zhou F.* Efficiency enhancement of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells by doping polythiophene films photoelectrochemically grown onto TiO2 nanoparticles covered with cis-bis(isothiocyanato) bis(2,2’-bipyridyl-4,4’-dicarboxylato) ruthenium(II). Electrochim. Acta, 2020, 355, 136685.

  16. Fan Q.#, Liu Y.#, Wang X., Zhang Z., Fu Y.*, Liu L., Wang P., Ma H.*, Ma H, Seeram N., Zheng J., Zhou F.* Ginnalin A inhibits aggregation, reverses fibrillogenesis and alleviates cytotoxicity of amyloid β(1–42). ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2020, 11, 638–647.

  17. Yan W., Jiang D., Liu Q., Kang Q.*, Zhou F.* Effects of doping methods and dopant sizes on the performance of solar cells constructed with anchor-guided photoelectrochemical polymerization of thiophene. Electrochim. Acta, 2020, 330, 135250.

  18. Liu Q., Jiang D., Kang Q., Zhou F.* Efficient solar cells constructed with lead iodide perovskite templated by a 3-aminopropyl trimethoxysilane and methyltrimethoxysilane mixed monolayer. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2020, 15, 5540–5551.

  19. Liu Q., Yan W., Li Y., Zhou F.* A facile fabrication of microelectrodes with recyclable feature using organic soluble wax. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2020, 15, 4232–4241.

  20. Wang X., Wang X.*, Han Y., Li H., Kang Q., Wang P.*, Zhou F.* Immunoassay for cardiac troponin I with fluorescent signal amplication by hydrolyzed coumarin released from a metalorganic framework. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2019, 2, 7170–7177.

  21. Liu Q., Wang X.*, Benedict A., Janibekyan L., Su S., Wang Y.*, Zhou F.* Surface plasmon resonance coupled with potential-step chronoamperometry: Theory and applications for quantitative measurements of electrodeposited thin films. Electroanalysis, 2019, 31, 2155–2161.

  22. Yan W., Jiang D.*, Liu Q., Kang Q.*, Zhou F.* Solar cells constructed with polythiophene thin films grown along tethered thiophene–dye conjugates via photoelectrochemical polymerization. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 18755–18762.

  23. Tan X., Wang X.*, Zhang L., Liu L., Zheng G., Li H.*, Zhou F.* Stable and photothermally efficient antibody-covered Cu3(PO4)2@polydopamine nanocomposites for sensitive and cost-effective immunoassays. Anal. Chem., 2019, 91, 8274–8279.

  24. Kou L., Duan Y., Wang P., Fu Y., Darabedian N., He Y., Jiang D., Chen D., Xiang J., Liu G.*, Zhou F.*, NorepinephrineFe(III)ATP Ternary Complex and Its Relevance to Parkinson’s Disease, ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019, 10, 27772785

  25. Shao F., Zhang L., Jiao L., Wang X., Miao L., Li H.*, Zhou F.* Enzyme-Free Immunosorbent Assay of Prostate Specific Antigen Amplified by Releasing pH Indicator Molecules Entrapped in Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles, Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 86738679.

  26. Wang, P. Magdziarz, E. Enriquez, W. Zhao, C. Quan, N. Darabedian, J. Momand, F. Zhou, “Surface plasmon resonance and cytotoxicity assays of drug efficacies predicted computationally to inhibit p53/MDM2 interaction”, Anal. Biochem. 2019, 569, 53–58

  27. X. Wang, Q. Liu, X. Tan, L. Liu, F. Zhou, “Covalent affixation of histidine-tagged proteins tethered onto Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid sensors for enhanced surface plasmon resonance detection of small molecule drugs and kinetic studies of antibody/antigen interactions”, Analyst, 2019, 144, 587-593.

  28. X. Wang, F. Zhou, Dual-Valve and Counter-Flow Surface Plasmon Resonance. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 8, 4972–4977.

  29. X. Wang, Li. H, Ma. H, Seeram. N, F. Zhou, Surface plasmon resonance and related biophysical techniques for the studies of amyloid peptide and protein aggregation and the Inhibition of aggregation by natural products. Abstracta of Papers of The American Chemical Society. 2018, 256, 19–AGFD.

  30. Wu. L, Tang. H, Hu. S, Xia. Y, Lu. Z, Fan. Y, Wang. Z, Yi. X, Wang. J, F. Zhou, Sensitive and simultaneous surface plasmon resonance detection of free and p53-bound MDM2 proteins from human sarcomas. Analyst. 2018, 143, 9, 2029–2034.

  31. X. Wang, Z. Li, N. Ly, F. Zhou, “One-Step Ligand Immobilization and Single Sample Injection for Regeneration-Free Surface Plasmon Resonance Studies of Biomolecular Interactions,” Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 3261-3265.

  32. Dinglong Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Tianhan Kai, Dianlu Jiang, Juan Xiang, and Feimeng Zhou, “Electrode Reactions of Cu(I)/Cu(II) Bicinchoninic Acid Complexes and their Biological Relevance,” J. Phys. Chem. 2018, 30, 3, 479-485.

  33. Dinglong Chen, Narek Darabedian, Zhiqiang Li, Tianhan Kai, Dianlu Jiang, Feimeng Zhou, “An improved bathocuproine assay for accurate valence identification and quantification of copper bound by biomolecules,” Anal. Biochem. 2016, 497, 27-35.

  34. Eli M. Espinoza, Bing Xia, Narek Darabedian, Jillian Larsen, Vicente Nuñez, Fabian Botero, Duoduo Bao, Feimeng Zhou, and Valentine I. Vullev “Nitropyrene Photoprobes: Making Them, and What Are They Good for?”  Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 2, 343-356.

  35. D. Jiang, N. Darabedian, S. Ghazarian, Y. Hao, M. Zhgamadze, N. Majaryan, R. Shen, F. Zhou, “Dyes and Redox Couples with Matched Energy Levels: Elimination of the Dye Regeneration Energy Loss in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” ChemPhysChem. 2015, 16, 3385-3388.

  36. X. Yi, Y. Zhang, M. Gong, J. Zhang, F. Zhou, “Ca2+-Bridges Glu-22 of Aβ(142) to Phospholipids and Accelerates the Aβ(142) Aggregation Below the Critical Micelle Concentration,Biochemistry, 2015, 54, 6323-6332.

  37. M. Candelario, E. Cuellar, J. M. Reyes-Ruiz, N. Derabedian, F. Zhou, R. Miledi, A. Russo-Neustadt, A. Limon, “Direct Evidence for GABAergic Activity of Withania somnifera on Mammalian Ionotropic GABAA and GABA Receptors,” J. Ethnopharmacology, 2015, 17, 264-272.  

  38. M. Zhang, R. Hu, H. Chen, X. Gong, F. Zhou, L. Zhang, J. Zheng, “Polymorphic Associations and Structures of the Cross-seeding of Aβ1-42 and hIAPP1-37 Polypeptides,” J. Chem. Info. & Modeling, 2015, 55, 1628-1639.

  39. T. Kai, S. Chen, E. Monterroso, F. Zhou, “Continuous Nanoflow-Scanning Electrochecmial Microscopy: Voltammetric Characterization and Application to Accurate and Reproducible Imaging of Enzyme-Labeled Protein Microarrays,” Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 4523-4529.

  40. T. Kai, L. Zhang, X. Wang, A. Jing, B. Zhao, X. Yu, J. Zheng, F. Zhou, “Tabersonine inhibits Amyloid Fibril Formation and Cytotoxicity of Aβ(142),ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2015, 6, 879-888.

  41. L. Zhang, Y. Hao, Y. Long, D. Jiang, A. Ramos, X. Ma, Q. Lin, F. Zhou, “Optically transparent electrodes modified with sulfide ion-covered CdS quantum dots for sensitive photoelectrochemical detection of sulfhydryl-containing compounds,” Electroanalysis, 2015, 27, 1899-1905.

  42. Q. Wang, G. Liang, M. Zhang, J. Zhao, K. Patel, X. Yu, C. Zhao, B. Ding, G. Zhang, F. Zhou, J. Zheng, “De Novo Design of Self-Assembled Hexapeptides as β-Amyloid (Aβ) Peptide Inhibitors,” ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2014, 5, 972-981.

  43. T. Kai, S. Chen, E. Monterroso, A. Hailu, F. Zhou, “A Microring Electrode Concentric to an Inner Injection Capillary for Voltammetric Analysis in Nanoliter/Picoliter-Sized Droplets,” Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 8037-8041.

  44. S. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Long, F. Zhou, “Electroanalytical Sensors and Methods for Assays and Studies of Neurological Biomarkers,” Electroanalysis, 2014, 26, 1236-1248.

  45. M. Zhou, M. Yang, F. Zhou, “Paper based colorimetric biosensing platform utilizing cross-linked siloxane as probe,” Biosens. Bioelectron. 2014, 33, 39-43.

  46. L. Zhang, K. Xia, Z. Lu, G. Li, J. Chen, Y. Deng, S. Li, F. Zhou, N. He, “Efficient and Facile Synthesis of Gold Nanorods with Finely Tunable Plasmonic Peaks from Visible to Near-IR Range,” Chem. Mater., 2014, 26, 1794-1798.

  47. Y. He, M. Liu, N. Darabedian, S. Chen, Y. Liang, D.-Y. Wu, J. Xiang, F. Zhou, “pH-Dependent Coordination of Pb2+ to Metallothionein2: Structures and Insight into Lead Detoxification,” Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53, 2822-2830.   

  48. M. Yang, X. Yi, J. Wang, and F. Zhou, “Electroanalytical and Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors for Detection of Breast Cancer and Neurological Biomarkers in Cells and Body Fluids,” Analyst, 2014,139, 1814-1825.

  49. D. Jiang, Y. Hao, R. Shen, S. Ghazaryan, A. Ramos, F. Zhou, “Effective Blockage of the Interfacial Recombination Process at TiO2 Nanowire Array Electrodes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2013, 5, 11906-11912.

  50. M. G. Harrington, J. Chiang, J. M. Pogoda, M. Gomez, K. Thomas, S. D. Marion, K. J. Miller, P. Siddarth, X. Yi, F. Zhou, S. Lee, X. Arakaki, R. P. Cowan, A. N. Fonteh, “Executive Function Changes before Memory in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Pathology: A Prospective, Cross-Sectional, Case Control Study Predicts the Pathology of Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease,” Plos One, 2013, 8, e79378.

  51. D. Jiang, S. Shi, L. Zhang, L. Liu, B. Ding, G. Yagnik, F. Zhou, “Inhibition of Fe(III)-Catalyzed Dopamine Oxidation by Formation of ATP–Fe(III)–Dopamine Complex, and Its Relevance to Oxidative Stress in Parkinson’s Disease,” ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2013, 4, 1305-1313.

  52. X. Yi, Y. Hao, N. Xia, J. Wang, M. Quintero, F. Zhou, “Sensitive and Continuous Screening of Inhibitors of β-Site Amyloid Precursor Protein Cleaving Enzyme 1 (BACE1) at Single SPR Chips,” Anal. Chem. 2013, 85, 3660-3666.  

  53. S. Shi, B. Zhao, G. Yagnik, F. Zhou, “An Interface for Sensitive Analysis of Monoamine Neurotransmitters by Ion-Pair Chromatography-ESI-MS with Continuous On-Line Elimination of Ion-Pair Reagents,” Anal. Chem. 2013, 85, 6598-6602.

  54. X. Yi, H. Han, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, F. Zhou, “Amplified voltammetric characterization of cleavage of the biotinylated peptide by BACE1 and screening of BACE1 inhibitors,” Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 50, 224-228.

  55. L. Zhang, T. Kai, Y. Hao, Q. Tu, F. Zhou, “A Ferrocene-Tagged Amyloid- β Fragment for Rapid Screening of Aggregation Inhibitors from Natural Compounds by HPLC Electrochemical Detection,” Electroanalysis, 2013, 25, 1659-1664.

  56. X. Yu, Q. Wang, Q. Pan, F. Zhou, J. Zheng, “Molecular interactions of Alzheimer amyloid-β oligomers with neutral and negatively charged lipid bilayers,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15, 8878-8889.

  57. L. Zhang, G. Yagnik, Y. Peng, C.-W. Wei, Y.-N. Liu, F. Zhou, “Kinetic Studies of Inhibition of the Aβ(1–42) Aggregation Using a Ferrocene-Tagged β-Sheet Breaker Peptide,” Anal. Biochem. 2013, 434, 292-299.

  58. Y. Hao, L. Liu, Y. Long, Y.-N. Liu, J. Wang, F. Zhou, “Sensitive photoluminescent detection of Cu2+ in real samples using CdS quantum dots in combination with a Cu2+-reducing reaction,” Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2013, 41, 723-729.

  59. D. Jiang, L. Zhang, G. P. Grant, C. G. S. Chen, Dudzik, S. Patel, Y. Hao, G. L. Millhauser, and F. Zhou, “Elevated Copper-Binding Strength of Amyloid-β Aggregates Enables Their Copper Sequestration from Albumin: a Pathway to Accumulation of Copper in Senile Plaques,” Biochemistry, 2013, 52, 547-556.  

  60. L. Zhang, G. Yagnik, D. Jiang, P. Chang, F. Zhou, “Separation of intermediates of iron-catalyzed dopamine oxidation reactions using reversed-phase ion-pairing chromatography coupled in tandem with UV-visible and ESI-MS detections,” J. Chromtographia B., 2012, 911, 55-58.

  61.   Y. He, S. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Liang, J. Xiang, D. Wu, F. Zhou, “Coordination of Bi3+ to metal-free metallothionein: spectroscopy and density functional calculation of structure, coordination, and electronic excitations,” J. Inorg. Biochem. 2012, 113, 9-14.

  62. Wang, J.; Yi, X.; Tang, H.; Han, H.; Wu, M.; Zhou, F. “Direct Quantification of microRNA at Low pM Level in Sera of Glioma Patients Using a Competitive Hybridization Followed by Amplified Voltammetric Detection,” Anal. Chem., 2012, 84, 6400-6406.

  63. D. Jiang, I. Rauda, S. Han, S. Chen, F. Zhou, “Aggregation Pathways of the Amyloid-β(1–42) Peptide depend on its Colloidal Stability and Ordered β-Sheet Stacking,” Langmuir, 2012, 28, 12711-12721.  

  64. B. Zhou, Y. Hao, Y.-N. Liu, F. Zhou, “Conversion of Natively Unstructured α-Synuclein to Its α-Helical Conformation Significantly Attenuates Production of Reactive Oxygen Species,” J. Inorg. Biochem. 2012, 118, 68-73.

  65. B. Zhou, J. Li, B.-J. Feng, O. Y. Ouyang, Y.-N. Liu, F. Zhou, “Syntheses and in Vitro Antitumor Activities of Ferrocene-Conjugated Arg-Gly-Asp Peptides,” J. Inorg. Biochem. 2012, 116, 19-25.

  66. Izquierdo, A.; Carlos, K.; Ostrander, S.; Rodriguez, D.; McCall-Craddolp, A.; Yagnik, G.; Zhou, F. “Impaired reward learning and intact motivation after serotonin depletion in rats,” Behavioural Brain Research, 2012, 233, 494-499.

  67. Peng, Y.; Deng, C.; Su, L.; Liu, Y.-N. and Zhou, F. “On-Line Removal of Redox-Active Interferents by a Porous Electrode before Amperometric Blood Glucose Determination,” Anal. Chim. Acta, 2012, 719, 52-56.

  68. F. Zhou, G. L. Millhauser, “The Rich Electrochemistry and Redox Reactions of the Copper Sites in the Cellular Prion Protein,” Coord. Chem. Review, 2012, 256, 2285-2296.

  69. X. Liu, M. Du, F. Zhou, F. A. Gomez, “Facile Fabrication of an Interface for On-line Coupling of Microchip CE to Surface Plasmon Resonance,” Bioanalysis, 2012, 4, 373-379.

  70. Liu, Lin; Jiang, Dianlu; McDonald, Alex; Hao, Yuanqiang; Millhauser, Glenn; Zhou, Feimeng, “Copper Redox Cycling in the Prion Protein Depends Critically on Binding Mode,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 12229-12237 (Featured in the Concentrates Section of Chemical and Engineering News August 1, 2011 issue).

  71. Li, Juan; Zhou, Yu; Li, Meng; Xia, Ning; Huang, Qiyu; Do, Huy; Liu, You-nian; Zhou, Feimeng, “Carboxymethylated Dextran-Coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Regenerable Biospearation,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2011, 11, 10187-10192.  

  72. Xianghong Arakaki, Hailey Foster, Lei Su, Huy Do, Andrew J. Wain, Feimeng Zhou, Alfred Fonteh, Michael Harrington, “Extracellular sodium modulates the excitability cultured hippocampal pyramidal cells,” Brain Res., 2011, 1401, 85-94.

  73. Wang, Q., Wang, C., Shah, N., F. Zhou, J. Zheng, “Structural, Morphological, and Kinetic Studies of β-Amyloid Peptide Aggregation on Self-Assembled Monolayers,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13, 15200-15210.  

  74. H. Laroui, Y. Narui, S. Ingersoll, S. Ayyadurai, M. A. Charania, Y. Yan, K. Salaita, S. V. Sitaraman, F. Zhou, D. Merlin, “Tri-DAP interacts directly with the LRR domain of NOD1 and consequently increases RICK/NOD1 interaction and RICK phosphorylation activity,” J. Biol. Chem., 2011,286(35), 31003-31013.

  75. Xia, Ning; Liu Lin; Harrington, Michael; Zhou, Feimeng, Wang, Jianxiu, “Regenerable and Simultaneous SPR Detection of Aβ(1–40) and Aβ(1–42) Peptides in Cerebrospinal Fluids with Signal Amplification by Streptavidin Conjugated to an N-Terminus-Specific Antibody,” Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 10151-10157.  

  76. Wang, Chengshan; Shah, Nilam; Thakur, Garima; Zhou, Feimeng; Roger, M. Lablanc, “α-Synuclein in α-Helical Conformation at Air-Water Interface: Implication of Conformation and Orientation Changes During Its Accumulation/Aggregation,” Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 6702-6704.

  77. Wang, Chengshan; Liu, Lin; Zhang, Lin; Peng, Yong; Zhou, Feimeng, “Redox Reactions of the α-Synuclein-Cu2+ complex and Their Effects on Neuronal Cell Viability,” Biochemistry, 2010, 49, 8134-8142.

  78. Jiang, Dianlu; Li, Xiangjun; Yagnik, Gargey; Zhou, Feimeng, “Reaction Rates and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid by Molecular Oxygen Catalyzed by Different β-Amyloid Complexes with Cu(II),” J. Phys. Chem. B. 2010, 114, 4896-4903.

  79. Xiao, Xiujuan; Gao, Yu.; Jiao, Xianhui, Xiang, Juan; Zhou, Feimeng, “Laser-Induced Thermal Effect in Surface Plamson Resonance,” Anal. Chim. Acta, 2010, 676, 75-80.

  80. Liu, Lin; Do, Huy; Wang, Jianxiu; Zhou, Feimeng, “"Bismuth-Coated Reticulated Vitreous Carbon and Bismuth-Coated Glassy Carbon Electrodes for On-Line Coupling of ASV with ICP-MS" Electroanalysis, 2010, 22, 1476-1482.

  81. Han, Guo-Cheng; Liu, You-Nian; Zhou, Feimeng, “Spectrofluoremetric determination of total free thiols in biological samples based on formation of complexes of Ce(III) with disulfide bonds,” Anal. Chim. Acta, 2010, 238-242.

  82. Peng,Yong; Wang, Chengshan, Xu, Howard H.; Liu, You-Nian; Zhou, Feimeng, “Binding of alpha-Synuclein with Fe3+ and with Fe2+ and Biological Implications of the Resultant Complexes,” J. Inorg. Biochem. 2010, 104, 365-370.  

  83. Peng, Yong; Jiang, Dianlu; Su, Lei; Zhang, Lin; Yan, Ming; Du, Juanjuan; Lu, Yunfeng; Liu, You-Nian; Zhou, Feimeng, “Mixed Monolayers of Ferrocenylalkanethiol and Encapsulated Horse Radish Peroxidase for Sensitive and Durable Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide,” Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 9985-9992.

  84. Jiang, Dianlu; Li, Xiangjun; Williams, Renee; Patel, Sveti; Men, Lijie; Wang, Yinsheng; Zhou, Feimeng, “Ternary Complexes of Iron, Amyloid-β and Nitrilotriacetic Acid:  Binding Affinities, Redox Properties, and Relevance to Iron-Induced Oxidative Stress in Alzheimer’s Disease,” Biochemistry, 2009, 48, 7939-7947.

  85. Wang, Yongcan; Zhu, Xu, Wu, Minghua; Xia, Ning; Wang, Jianxiu, Zhou, Feimeng, “Simultaneous and Label-Free Determination of Wild-Type and Mutant p53 at a Single SPR Chip Preimmobilized with Consensus DNA and Monocolonal Antibody,” Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 8441-8446.   

  86. Sohn, Kwon Nam; Kim, Franklin; Pradel, Ken; Wu, Jinsong; Peng, Yong; Zhou, Feimeng; Huang, Jiaxing, “Construction of Evolutionary Tree for Morphological Engineering of Nanoparticles,” ACS Nano, 2009, 3, 2191-2198.

  87. Long, Yunfei; Jiang, Dianlu; Zhu, Xu; Wang, Jianxiu; Zhou, Feimeng, “Trace Hg2+ Analysis via Quenching of the Fluorescence of a CdS-Encapsulated DNA Nanocomposite,” Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 2652-2657.  

  88. Peng,Y.; Liu, Y.-N.; Zhou, F., “Voltammetric Studies of the Interaction Between Ferrocene-Labeled Glutathione and Proteins in Solution or Immobilized onto Surface,” Electroanalysis, 2009, 21, 1848-1854.

  89. Jiang, Dianlu; Dinh, Kim Lien; Tuthenburg, Travis C.; Zhang, Yi; Su, Lei; Land, Donald P.; Zhou, Feimeng, “A Kinetic Model for -Amyloid Adsorption at the Air/Solution Interface and Its Implication to the -Amyloid Aggregation Process,” J. Phys. Chem. B., 2009, 113, 3160-3168.  

  90. Zhang, Yi; Cheng, Xiong; Wang, Jianxiu; Zhou, Feimeng “Bi- and Tetra-Layered Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidylserine (DPPS)Patterns Produced by Hydration of Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers and the Subsequent Enzymatic Digestion,” Colloids and Surfaces, A. 2009, 337, 26-32.

  91. Hong, Hyun-Seok; Rana, Sandeep; Barrigan, Lydia; Shi, Aibin; Zhang, Yi; Zhou, Feimeng; Jin, Lee-Way; Hua, Duy H. "Inhibition of Alzheimer’s Amyloid Toxicity with a Tricyclic Pyrone Molecule In Vitro and In Vivo," J. Neurochem., 2009, 108, 1097-1108.

  92. Martinez, Jose G.; Waldon, Michael; Huang, Qiyu; Alvarez, Sandra; Oren, Ami; Du, Ming; Zhou, Feimeng; Zenz, Alexandra; Lohner, Karl; Porter, Edith “Membrane-Targeted Synergistic Activity of Docosahexaenoic Acid and Lysozyme against P. aeruginosa,” Biochemical J., 2009, 419, 193-200.

  93. Andrew J. Wain, Huy Do, Himadri, Mandal, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz, and Feimeng Zhou, “The Influence of Molecular Dipole Moment on the Redox-Induced Reorganization of -Helical Peptide Self-Assembled Monolayers: An Electrochemical SPR Investigation," J. Phys. Chem. C. 2008, 112, 14513-14519.

  94. Lin Liu, Julei Yang, Ning Xia, Jianxiu Wang, Feimeng Zhou, “Voltammetric investigation of zinc release from metallothioneins modulated by the glutathione redox couple and separated with a porous membrane,” Electroanalysis, 2008, 20, 2253.

  95. Nakul Maiti, Dianlu Jiang, Andrew J. Wain, Sveti Patel, Kim Dihn, Feimeng Zhou, “Mechanistic Studies of Cu(II) Binding to Amyloid- Peptides and the Fluorescence and Redox Behaviors of the Resulting Complexes,” J. Phys. Chem. B., 2008, 112,8406-8411.

  96. Ming Du and Feimeng Zhou, “Postcolumn Regeneration of Sensor Surfaces for HPLC-SPR Detection,” Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 4225-4230.

  97. Y. Xin, Y. Gao, J. Guo, Q. Chen, J. Xiang, and F. Zhou, “Real-Time Detection of Cu2+ Sequestration and Release by Immobilized Apo-Metallothione Using SECM Combined with SPR,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008, 24, 369-375.

  98. Andrew J. Wain and Feimeng Zhou, “Scanning Electrochemical Microscopic Imaging of DNA Microarrays Using Methylene Blue as a Redox Active Intercalator,” Langmuir, 2008, 24, 5155-5160.

  99. Gloria Rodriguez Bañuelos, Ruby Argumedo, Komal Patel, Vicky Ng, Feimeng Zhou, Robert Luis Vellanoweth, “The developmental transition to flowering in Arabidopsis is associated with an increase in leaf chloroplastic lipoxygenase activity,” Plant Science, 2008, 174, 366-373.

  100. Y. Li, Y. Zhang, and F. Zhou, “Sequential Monitoring of Film Thickness Variations with Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging and Imaging Ellipsometry Constructed with a Single Optical System,” Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 891-897.

  101. F. Ying, M. Xu, K. Li, J. Wang, and F. Zhou, “Voltammetric Studies of Cadmium and Zinc-Containing Metallothioneins at Nafion-Coated Mercury Thin Film Electrodes”, Electroanalysis, 2008, 20, 888-893.

  102. Jianxiu Wang, Xu Zhu, Q. Tu, Chikneyan S. Zarui, Jamil Momand, Xiu Zhu Sun, and Feimeng Zhou, “Capture of p53 by Electrodes Modified with Consensus DNA Duplexes and Amplified Voltammetric Detection Using Ferrocene-Capped Gold Nanoparticle/Streptavidin Conjugates,” Anal. Chem., 2008, 80, 769-774.

  103. Yun Lei, Hong-Yu Chen, He-Ping Dai, Zhaorui Zeng, Yi Lin, Feimeng Zhou, Dai-Wen Pang, “Electroless-plated Gold Films for Sensitive Surface Plasmon Resonance Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008, 23, 1200-1207.

  104. D. Jiang, L. Men, J. Wang, S. Chikneyan, Y. Wang, F. Zhou, “Redox Potentials of Copper Complexes with Different -Amyloid Peptides and Their Relevance to Neuropathology,” Biochemistry, 2007, 46, 9270-9282.

  105. Yong-Jun Li, Juan Xiang, and Feimeng Zhou, “Sensitive and Label-Free Detection of DNA by Surface Plasmon Resonance,” Plasmonics, 2007, 2, 79-87.

  106. Dongming Zeng, Lijun Yin, Yintang Zhang, Yi Zhang, Jianxiu Wang, Feimeng Zhou, “Detection of oligonucleotide hybridization amplified by an enzyme-catalyzed precipitation reaction via a highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance spectrometer,” Frontier in Bioscience, 2007, 12, 5117-5123.

  107. Y. Zhang, M. Xu, Y. Wang, F. Toledo, F. Zhou, “Studies of Metal Ions Binding by Apo-metallothioneins Attached Onto Preformed Self-Assembled Monolayers Using a Highly Sensitive Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer,” Sensors & Actuators B.  2007, 123, 784-792.

  108. Y. Zhang, M. Xu, M. Du, F. Zhou, “Comparative studies of the interaction between ferulic acid and bovine serum albumin by affinity capillary electrophoresis and surface plasmon resonance,” Electrophoresis, 2007, 28, 1839-1845.

  109. P. Zhai, J. Guo, J. Xiang, F. Zhou, “Electrochemical Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy at Bilayered Silver/Gold Films,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 2007, 111, 981-986.

  110. M. Xu, Y. Wu, J. Wang, and F. Zhou, “Electrochemistry of and Redox-Induced Metal Release from Metallothioneins at a Nafion-Coated Bismuth Film Electrode,” 2006, Electroanalysis, 18, 2099-2105.

  111. J. Xiang, J. Guo, F. Zhou, “Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Combined with Surface Plasmon Resonance: Studies of Localized Film Thickness Variations and Molecular Conformation Changes,” 2006, Anal. Chem., 78, 1418-1424.

  112. X. Yao, X. Li, F. Toledo, C. Zurita-Lopez, M.Gutova, J. Momand, F. Zhou, “Sub-Attomole Oligonucleotide and p53 cDNA Determinations via a High-Resolution SPR Combined with Oligonucleotide-Capped Gold Nanoparticle Signal Amplification,” Anal. Biochem., 2006, 354, 220-228.

  113. G. Cao, O. Jimenez, F. Zhou and M. Xu, “Nafion-Coated Bismuth Film and Nafion-Coated Mercury Film Electrodes for Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Combined On-Line with ICP-Mass Spectrometry”, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2006, 17, 945-952.

  114. O. A. Jimenez, S. Chikneyan, A. J. Baca, J. Wang, F. Zhou, “Sensitive Detection of Sulphydryl Groups in Metallothioneins and Related Species via Ferrocene-Capped Gold Nanoparticle/Streptavidin Conjugates,” Environ. Sci. Tech. 2005, 39(5), 1209-1213.

  115. F. Zhou, “Electrochemistry Combined On-Line with Atomic Mass Spectrometry and Related Techniques for Trace Metal Analysis and Studies of Electrode Reactions,” Trends in Anal. Chem., 2005, 24, 218-227.

  116. Y. Wang, J. Wang, Z. Hu, F. Zhou, “Voltammetric Determination of Surface-Confined Biomolecules with N-(2-ethyl-ferrocene)maleimide,” 2005, Electroanalysis, 17, 2163-2169.

  117. Y. Wang, S. Han, A. L. Briseno, R. J. Sanedrin, and F. Zhou, “A Modified Nanosphere Lithographic Method for the Fabrication of Aminosilane/Polystyrene Nanoring Arrays and the Subsequent Attachment of Gold or DNA-Capped Gold Nanoparticles,” J. Mater. Chem. 2004, 14, 3488-3494.

  118. Y. Wang, Xin Yao, J. Wang, and F. Zhou, “Attachment of Amino- and Maleimide-Derivatized Ferrocene Molecules onto Self-Assembled Alkanethiol and Alkanedithiol Monolayers: Voltammetric Evaluation of Cross-Linking Efficiencies and Surface Coverage of Electroactive Groups” Electroanalysis, 2004, 16, 21, 1755-1761.

  119. X. Yao, J. Wang, F. Zhou, J. Wang, and N.J. Tao, "Quantification of Redox-Induced Thickness Changes of 11-Ferrocenylundecanethiol Self Assembled Monolayers by Electrochemical Surface Plasmon Resonance and Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance," J. Phys. Chem. B., 2004, 108, 7206-7212.

  120. M. Zhu, S. Han, F. Zhou, S. Carter, A. L. Fink. "Annular Oligomeric Amyloid Intermediates Observed by In-situ AFM," J. Biol. Chem. 2004, 279(23), 24452-24459.

  121. M. Zhu, S. Rajamani, J. Kaylor, S. Han, F. Zhou, A. L. Fink, “The Flavonoid Baicalein Inhibits Fibrillation of -Synuclein and Disaggregates Existing Fibrils,” J. Biol. Chem. 2004, 279(26),26846-26857.

  122. A. L. Briseno, S. Han, I. Rauda, F. Zhou, C.S. Toh, J. Nemenick, N. S. Lewis, “Electrochemical Polymerization of Aniline Monomers Impregnated into Well-Ordered Truncated Egg-Shell Structures Composed of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers,” Langmuir, 2004, 20, 219-226.

  123. L. Wang, J. Wang, and F. Zhou, “Direct Electrochemistry of Catalase at a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube-Modified Gold Electrode,” Electroanalysis, 2004, 16, 627-632.

  124. Z.S. Chikneyan, A.L. Briseno, X. Shi, S. Han, J. Huang, and F. Zhou, “Polyelectrolyte-Mediated Assembly of Copper Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate Multilayers and the Subsequent Production of Nanoparticulate Copper Oxide Thin Films,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2004, 4, 628-634.

  125. A. J. Baca, F. Zhou J. Wang, J. Hu, J. Li, J. Wang, Z. Chikneyan, “Attachment of Ferrocene-Capped Gold Nanoparticle/Streptavidin Conjugates onto Electrode Surfaces Covered with Biotinylated Biomolecules for Enhanced Voltammetric Analysis” Electroanalysis, 2004, 16, 73-80.

  126. S. Wang, R. Gao, M. Selke, F. Zhou, “Nanomaterials and Singlet Oxygen Photosensitizers: Potential Applications in Photodynamic Therapy,” J. Mater. Chem. 2004, featured review article, 14, 487-493.

  127. J. Wang, J. Li, A. J. Baca, J. Hu, F. Zhou, W. Yan, D.-W. Pang, “Amplified Voltammetric Detection of DNA Hybridization via Electrochemical Oxidation of Ferrocene Caps on the Streptavidin/Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates,” Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 3941-3945.

  128. X. Z. Sun, L. Makanura, S. Han, D. Tran, C. Vinci, J. Nguyen, M. Hamann, S. Grazziani, S. Sheppard, M. Gutova, F. Zhou, J. Thomas, J. Momand, “p53 disulfide bond formation with a low molecular weight inhibits proper tetramer formation and binding to DNA,” Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 2003, 5, 655-665.

  129. S. Han, D. Ralin, J. Wang, X. Li, and F. Zhou, “Imaging of Antibody Attachment to Surface-Confined DNA molecules by Atomic Force Microscopy,” Langmuir, 2003, 19, 8943-8950.

  130. Briseno, Alejandro L.; Gao, Ting; Huang, Jiaxing; Hopkins, Alan R.; Sisk, Brian; Kaner, Richard B.; Zhou, Feimeng; Lewis, Nathan S, “Detection of N-butylamine vapors by morphologically different polyaniline chemiresistive detectors,” Polymer Preprints, 2003, 44, 140.   

  131. A. J. Baca, A. Escobedo, F. Zhou, and A. Z. Mason, “Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Combined On-Line with ICP-MS via a Direct Injection High Efficiency Nebulizer,” Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 2507-2511.

  132. X. Shi, R. J. Sanedrin, A. L. Briseno, and F. Zhou, “Formation of Uniform Polyaniline Thin Shells and Hollow Spheres Using Polyelectrolyte-Coated Microspheres as Templates,” Macromolecules, 2003, 36, 4093-4098.

  133. J. Huang, V. M. Egan, H. Guo, J.-Y. Yoon, A. L. Briseno, I. E. Ruada, R. L. Garrell, C. M. Knobler, F. Zhou, R. B. Kaner, “Enantioselective Discrimination of D- and L-Phenylalanine by Chiral Polyaniline Thin Films,” Adv. Mater., 2003, 15, 1158-1161.

  134. J. Wang and F. Zhou, “Scanning Electrochemical Microscopic Imaging of Surface-Confined DNA Probes and Their Hybridization via Guanine Oxidation,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 2002, 537, 95-102.

  135. S. Han, A. L. Briseno, X. Shi, D. Mah, and F. Zhou, “Polyelectrolyte-Coated Nanosphere Lithographic Patterning of Surfaces: Fabrication and Characterization of Electropolymerized Thin Polyaniline Honeycomb Films,” J. Phys. Chem., B. 2002. 106, 6465-6472.

  136. X. Shi, S. Han, R. J. Sanedrin, C. Galvez, D. G. Ho, B. Hernandez, F. Zhou and M. Selke, “Formation of Cobalt Oxide Nanotubes: Effect of Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Between Co(III) Complex Precursors Incorporated onto Colloidal Templates,” Nano Lett., 2002, 2, 289-293.  

  137. J. Wang, F. Song, F. Zhou, “Imaging of Silver-Enhanced DNA Hybridization at DNA Microarrays with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy,” Langmuir, 2002, 18, 6653-6658.

  138. X. Shi, R. J. Sanedrin, F. Zhou, “Structural Characterization of Multilayer DNA and Polylysine Composite Films: Influence of the Ionic Strength of DNA Solutions on the Extent of DNA Incorporation”, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2002, 106, 1173-1180.

  139. X. Shi, S. Han, R. J. Sanedrin, F. Zhou, M. Selke, “Synthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanotubes from Colloidal Particles Modified with a Co(III)-Cysteinato Precursor”, Chem. Mater., 2002, 14, 1897-1902.

  140. S. Han, X. Shi, F. Zhou, “Polyelectrolyte Hollow Sphere Lithographic Patterning of Surfaces: Construction of 2-Dimensional Well-Ordered Metal Arrays,” Nano Letters, 2002, 2, 97-100.

  141. F. Song, F. Zhou, S. Wang, N. Tao, J. Lin, Y. Morquecho, R. L. Vellanoweth,  “Detection of Oligonucleotide Hybridization at Femomolar Level and Sequence-Specific Gene Analysis of the Arabidopsis Thaliana Leaf Extract with an Ultrasensitive Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer,” Nucleic Acid Res.  2002, 30, 14, e72.

  142. A. J. Baca, Y. Garcia, A. L. Briseno, F. Zhou, “Quantification of Metals Released by Metallothionein Adsorbates at Mercury Film Electrodes by Differential Pulse Voltammetry and Electrochemical ICP-Atomic Emission Spectrometry,” J. Electroanal. Chem., 2001, 513, 25-35.

  143. A. L. Briseno, F. Song, A. J. Baca, and F. Zhou, “Study of Potential-Dependent Metallothionein Adsorptions Using a Low-Volume Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Flow Cell,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 2001, 513, 16-24.

  144. F. Song, A. L. Briseno, and F. Zhou, “Redox Reactions of and Transformation between Cysteine-Mercury Thiolate and Cystine in Metallothioneins Adsorbed at a Thin Mercury Film Electrode,” Langmuir, 2001, 17, 4081-4089.

  145. S. Han, J. Lin, M. Satjapipat, Alfred Baca, and F. Zhou, “A Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous DNA Sensing Surface Formed by Attaching Oligonucleotide-Capped Gold Nanoparticles Onto a Gold-Coated Quartz Crystal,” Chem. Commun., 2001, 7, 609-610.

  146. M. Satjapipat, R. Sanedrin, and F. Zhou, “Selective Desorption of Alkanethiols in Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers for Subsequent Oligonucleotide Attachment and DNA Hybridization,” Langmuir, 2001, 17, 7637-7644.

  147. A. L. Briseno, A. J. Baca, Q. Zhou, R. Lai, F. Zhou, "Quantifications of Dopant Ions in Polypyrrole Films with Electrochemical ICP-Atomic Emission Spectrometry: Development and Comparison with Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Studies," Anal. Chim. Acta, 2001, 441, 123-134.

  148. E. Huang, M. Satjapipat, S. Han, and F. Zhou, “Surface Structure and Coverage of an Oligonucleotide Probe-Tethered Onto a Gold Substrate and Its Hybridization Efficiency for a Polynucleotide Target,” Langmuir, 2001, 17, 1215-1224.

  149. S. Han, J. Lin, F. Zhou, and R. L. Vellanoweth, “Oligonucleotide-Capped Gold Nanoparticles for Improved Atomic Force Microscopic Imaging and Enhanced Selectivity in Polynucleotide Detection,” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun, 2000, 279, 265-269.

  150. A. J. Baca, J. Vincent, M. Luna, F. Zhou, S. La Dochy, S. L. Nicholaisen, “Fine-Scale Analysis of Airborne Particles for Heavy Metals and Nitrogen- and Sulfur-Containing Species in East Los Angeles,” Air Pollution, 2000, Volume 8, 273-282.

  151. E. Huang, F. Zhou, L. Deng, “Studies of Surface Coverage and Orientation of DNA Molecules Immobilized onto Preformed Self-Assembled Monolayers,” Langmuir, 2000, 16, 3272.

  152. R. Lai, E. Huang, F. Zhou, and D. O. Wipf, "Selective Determination of Methylmercury by Flow-Injection Fast-Scan Voltammetry" Electroanalysis, 1998, 10, 926.

  153. F. Zhou, J. T. Aronson, M. W. Ruegnitz, “High-Throughput Fast-Scan Anodic Stripping Voltammetry in a Microflow System,” Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 728.

  154. G. J. Van Berkel, F. Zhou, J. T. Aronson, “Changes in Bulk Solution pH Caused by the Controlled-Current Electrolytic Process Inherent to Operation of an Electrospray Ion Source,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 1997, 162,55.

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  1. 康青*,涂青青,江萌,汪鹏程,周伟家,周飞艨,专利名称:析氧反应催化剂、制备、应用、电解装置及海水裂解方法,专利号:ZL202011330818.1 授权日:2022-02-15

  2. Nguyen Ly, Tianwei Jing and Feimeng Zhou, 专利名称:A quick validation method for binding kinetic analysis专利号:62/465954 授权时间:2017.3

  3. Tianwei Jing, Feimeng Zhou, Nongjian Tao, 专利名称:Apparatus for detecting one or more substances and method of detecting a substance专利号:7879619B2 授权时间:2011.2

  4. Nguyen LyTianwei JingFeimeng Zhou专利名称:A quick validation method for binding kinetic analysis专利号:62/465954授权时间:2017.3